miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011

Supporting Young Talents: Vinyl Speed Adjust

     Trei baieti, un proiect. Va invit sa-i urmariti si ascultati, iar mai jos cateva bio-uri de ale lor semnate de mine (exceptie K-nto).

     Three guys, one project. I invite you to watch and listen, and below some of their biographies, signed by me (except K-nto).

  Eddy, un tanar inzestrat cu ambitie si o mare pasiune pentru muzica, isi incepe aventura sa in lumea muzicii electronice in urma cu cativa ani, mixand la petreceri private. Talentul sau il ajuta sa iasa in evidenta si in scurt timp sa inainteze spre culmi mai inalte, fiind invitat sa incinga atmosfera la evenimente importante din clubbingul romanesc. Stilul reprezentativ pentru el este house, deep house, techno, cu influente oldskool, Detroit sau Chicago. In formarea sa au avut rol spiritual artisti consacrati ca Todd Terry, Paul Johnson, Vince Watson, Jt Donaldson, Moodymann, Eddie S sau Mr G. Anul 2011 aduce o noua provocare pentru el, debutand ca producator alaturi de cei cu care alcatuieste proiectul Vinyl Speed Adjust, Levii si K-nto. Primul release apare la Natural Rhythm Ltd si include remix din partea celor de la Summed & Dot. 

Eddy, a young romanian guy endowed with ambition and a great passion for music, begins his adventure into electronic music world a few years ago, mixing at private parties. His talent helped him stand out in a short time to advance to higher heights, being invited to heat up the atmosphere at some major events in the romanian clubbing scene. The style representative for him is house, deep house, techno, oldskool, with Detroit and Chicago influences. In his formation had a spiritual role great artists like Todd Terry, Paul Johnson, Vince Watson, JT Donaldson, Moodymann, Mr Eddie S or G. Year 2011 brings a new challenge for him, starting as a producer with the project Vinyl Speed Adjust, along Levi and K-nto. The first release appears at Natural Rhythm Ltd and includes a remix from Summed & Dot. 

Cristian Oprea aka. K-nto is new part of the new generation of funky and jackin house producers from Romania born on 11 january 1986 in Bucharest. His music is a mix of classic jazz,disco and hip hop samples with funky bass lines and strong beats combining whit new sounds. His mixes go from disco deep funky house to jackin. Always whit strong beats, funky rythm and groovy. 

Levii nu este doar un alt dj/producator, deoarece muzica este pentru el pasiune, o indrageste, o respecta si ceea ce e cel mai important are un stil propriu si nu isi tradeaza convingerile. Bucuresti este locul unde a inceput totul, mai exact Tete-A-Tete, clubul in care a inceput sa mixeze undeva prin 2010. Villalobos, Raresh, Melchior, Zip, Cassy, Dan Andrei sau Cristi Cons au fost cativa din artistii spre care a privit intotdeauna ca o sursa de inspiratie, ca un tel. Anul 2011 ii aduce primele realizari si aprecieri pentru munca si straduinta lui, an in care alaturi de Eddy si K-nto pun bazele proiectului Vinyl Speed Adjust. Dupa cum este cursul firesc si prin convingerea ca un dj transpune cel mai bine ceea ce simte atunci cand creeaza el insusi ceea ce mixeaza, Levii trece in scurt timp la etapa urmatoare si incepe sa produca muzica. Primul release apare sub Vinyl Speed Adjust, in aprilie 2011, la Natural Rhythm Ltd si include remix din partea celor de la Summed & Dot. Munca lui va continua alaturi de baietii de la Vinyl Speed Adjust si cu siguranta veti mai auzi de acest taner talentat in viitor.

     Levi is not just another dj/producer, because the music is for him a passion, he respect it and what is most important is that he got his own style and do not betray his beliefs. Bucharest is the place where it all began, more exactly Tete-A-Tete, the club where he began DJing somewhere in 2010. Villalobos, Raresh, Melchior, Zip, Cassy, Dan Andrei and Cristi Cons have been one of the artists at who he always looked at as an inspiration, as a purpose. Year 2011 brings the first accomplishments and acclaim for his work and endeavor, year in which he put the base with K-nto and Eddy to Vinyl Speed Adjust project. As it is the normal course and with the conviction that a DJ transpose best what he feels when he creates himself what he plays , Levi soon move to the next stage and start producing music. The first release comes under Vinyl Speed Adjust in April 2011, at Natural Rhythm Ltd and includes a remix from Summed & Dot. His work will continue with the guys from Vinyl Speed Adjust and you will certainly hear to these talented young guy in the future.

Vinyl Speed Adjust

Intr-o lume a muzicii electronice in continua miscare, un nou proiect promitator se naste, Vinyl Speed Adjust. 2011 este debutul oficial, iar grupul cuprinde trei tineri dj/producatori romani talentati: Eddy, K-nto si Levii. Impulsionati de pasiune pentru muzica, s-au hotarat sa isi uneasca puterile si prin multa munca si ambitie sa creeeze un grup puternic, cu un sound aparte, care tinteste sus si nu se multumeste cu putin. Rezultatele nu au intarziat sa apara, fiind invitati sa mixeze la diverse petreceri. Stilul reprezentativ este house, in toate formele lui. La scurt timp trec si in randul producatorilor, cu un ep ce va aparea la Natural Rhythm Ltd, prestigiosii Summed & Dot semnand si ei un remix pentru acestia. Eddy, K-nto si Levii, trei baieti despre care veti mai auzi si in viitor.

     In a world of electronic music constantly on the move, a promising new project is born, Vinyl Speed Adjust. 2011 is the official debut, and the group includes three young talented dj/producers from Romania: Eddy, K-nto and Levii. Driven by passion for music, they decided to unite their powers and through hard work and ambition to create a powerful group with a distinctive sound, aiming high and not being satisfied with less. The results were immediate, being invited to play at various parties. The representative sound for them is house, in all its forms. A short time passed by and they start producing music, with an ep that will appear at the Natural Rhythm Ltd, the prestigious Summed & Dot signing a remix for them. Eddy, K-nto and Levii, three guys you will hear more about in the future.

Written by Septimiu Moldovan.

Also check: <Shifters>, <Invk Samuel>, <Iuly B>, <Fabio Victor>, <MarcMan>, <Groove Soundsystem>, <Derek>, <Moto>


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