marți, 5 aprilie 2011

Supporting Young Talents: Shifters

     Incet, incet am trecut prin absolut toate genurile muzicale in posturile mele, dar in cele ce urmeaza va prezint ceva nou, Shifters. Un proiect dance ce cuprinde doi membri, iar ce mi-a placut cel mai mult la ei a fost faptul ca au admis in mail-ul care mi l-au trimis ca piesele pot fi interpretate live, ceea ce e foarte important. Sa speram ca vom mai auzi de ei si vor duce dance-ul acolo unde ii e locul, pentru ca ma cutremur inca atunci cand imi aduc aminte de "lasa-ma papa la mare" si alte pitiponceli ce dominau acest gen cu nu mult timp in urma. Observ totusi o schimbare in bine, o evolutie foarte buna si fireasca in ultima vreme. 

     Slowly, we went through each and every musical genre in my posts, but the following will introduce something new, Shifters. A dance project that includes two members, and that I liked most about them was that they admitted in the email that the songs can be performed live, which is very important. Let's hope we will hear more about them in the future and will lead the dance where It belongs, because I am still trembling when I remember the "lasa`ma papa la mare" song and other lausy songs that dominated this genre with not much time ago. I notice a real difference, however, a very good and natural evolution in the last time.

Also check: <Invk Samuel>, <Iuly B>, <Fabio Victor>, <MarcMan>, <Groove Soundsystem>, <Derek>, <Moto>


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