joi, 23 iunie 2011

Various - Modern Dub From Bucharest (2011, Dubkraft)

Vlad Onu - Integra
Alien Pimp - Headroom Decorator
Ion & Andrei Dinescu - Trouble Ahead
Arapaima - Cold Stream & Hearts
Archer - Bleaching
Vlad Onu - Patterns
Alien Pimp - Tormented Dub
Arapaima - Dar Ploaia
Archer - Process Of Dubbing
Alien Pimp - Speshal Fx
Vlad Onu - Utterly Amazing (Alien Pimp Refix)
Ion - Nobrainstorming 1
Archer - Momentum

     Dubkraft Records lanseaza o compilatie remarcabila, dedicata Bucurestiului. Deep-house si Dub sunt principalele stiluri muzicale abordate, perfect alese, conferind albumului un aer unic, estic, caracteristic capitalei. Treisprezece piese ce te vor transpune in fascinanta atmosfera bucuresteana, semnate de Alien Pimp, Vlad Onu, Ion, Andrei Dinescu, Arapaima si Archer, toti din Bucuresti.

     Dubkraft Records released an outstanding compilation, dedicated to Bucharest. Deep-house and dub are the main musical styles adopted, perfectly chosen, giving an unique air to the album, eastern city characteristic one. Thirteen songs that will transpose you in the fascinating atmosphere of Bucharest, tracks signed by Alien Pimp,Vlad Onu, Ion, Andrei Dinescu, Arapaima and Archer, all from Bucharest.

     "The city is our third parent, whether we like it or not. When the city is Bucharest, the inspiration is dub music and the weapon of choice is the computer, beautiful and surprising things may emerge. There's a special murmur and a glow that come through the grey walls of Bucharest, this is a glimpse of it." (Alien Pimp / DubKraft Records)

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