luni, 13 iunie 2011

Subcarpati - Culese Din Cartier

     A aparut la ascultare compilatia mult asteptata a celor de sub Carpati. Cuvintele ar fi de prisos legat de valoarea acestei colectii, o idee care a pornit foarte bine inca de la primul album. Tot respectul pentru ei ca duc folclorul national la un alt nivel, poate asa vor trezi spiritul nationalist in unii oameni, lucru care e foarte necesar in Romania, tara care mi se pare ca se lapada de valorile si simbolurile sale tot mai mult.

     It appeared for listening the Subcarpati compilation. The words are not enough to describe the value of this collection, an idea that started very well since the first album. All respect to them, by them the national folklore goes to a higher level, maybe it will wake up the nationalist spirit in some people, thing that is very necessary in Romania, a country that seems to increasingly deny his values ​​and symbols.


2 comentarii:

  1. "This video has been removed by the user."
    Not cool.

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