miercuri, 18 mai 2011

Releases: OK Corral - Roar Power EP (2011, Santa Canela)

      Dupa scurt timp de la lansarea ep-ului "Hypnotic Consortium", respectabilii OK Corral revin cu un alt release, de data aceasta la labelul Santa Canela, numit "Roar Power EP". Aceiasi linie disco/funk, schimbare de stil care confirma inca o data ca pana la urma a fost de bun augur.
     Short time after the "Hypnotic Consortium" ep release, the respectable OK Corral are coming back with another ep, this time at the Santa Canela label, called "Roar Power EP".The same disco/funk line, change of style that confirms once again that it was a good move.

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