miercuri, 18 mai 2011

Releases: Cezar Lazar – Din Gand In Cand (2011, Understand)

     Praslea, Cezar si Kozo au pus bazele unui nou label romanesc, Understand, iar acum lanseaza un prim release pe vinyl semnat "Cezar Lazar - Din Gand In Cand". Pana acum sub semnatura lui Cezar (cunoscut si ca El Cezere) a mai aparut piesa "Susur" si "Afumati - Ne Cunoastem" (proiect in care activeaza alaturi de Praslea), acesta fiind primul sau ep.

     Praslea, Cezar and Kozo putted the base to a new romanian label, Understand, and now they launch a first vinyl release signed "Cezar Lazar - Din Cand In Cand". Until now under Cezar's signature (also known as El Cezere) appeared the tracks "Susur" and "Afumati - Ne Cunoastem" (the project in which activates with Praslea), this being his first ep.
Also check: <Labels: Understand>

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