marți, 22 mai 2012

Releases: Boola - Visions EP [2012, Work Them]

     La trei ani de la ultimul release solo şi după o colaborare fructuoasă alaturi de Negru în tot acest timp, Boola revine cu un EP semnat singur, la casa de discuri Work Them Records. Trei piese, care spre surprinderea mea păstrează aceiaşi linie tech-house, dancey, pe care a abordat-o alături de Laurenţiu în ultima vreme. Astfel, se depărtează definitiv de zilele când "Noru" sau "Afroceva" spărgeau boxele cu puternicul bassline caracteristic lui. Nu mă pot abţine să nu redau măcar una dintre ele mai jos, de dragul anilor 2007, un moment foarte important pentru evoluţia muzicii electronice româneşti, moment în care a debutat acea puternică explozie de producători muzicali autohtoni.

     "Boola (part of (a:rpia:r)) started spinning in the summer of 2005, in Ibiza, where he had the great opportunity to play at the famous DC10. As a producer, he had his first release on the romanian superlabel (a:rpia:r), followed by Lomidhigh Lmtd.,Rekids, Lomidhigh Organic, Innervisions, All Inn, Cecille, Soweso and some tracks on Cabin Fever, including Balada Redo, featured on the Fabric 48 cd, mixed by Radio Slave. In his dj sets, Boola tries to bring back some of the dirty "in yo face" old school sound, warming up the decks for legends like Dj Sneak and Eddie Richards. Performances at Panorama Bar (Berlin), Trouw (Amsterdam) and other european clubs. He represented Romania (alongside Demos, Petre Inspirescu and Praslea) at the Worldtronics 2008 Festival in Berlin and mixed at the famous italian New Years Afterhour, "Fiesta Privada". An album will follow in the future, on Rekids. STAY TUNED !!"  (

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