sâmbătă, 7 ianuarie 2012

Releases: Vlad Caia - Routed [2011, All Inn Black]


     Se pare ca All Inn nu e deloc o serie neagra pentru romani, deoarece dupa Case Sensitive, Ivel Tax, Priku si Phrasis Veteris, vine randul lui Vlad Caia sa extinda colectia cu inca un release semnat de reprezentantii nostri. Astfel, cinci din cele sase editii sunt semnate de producatori autohtoni. Trebuie sa recunosc ca preferata mea e "Routed", o piesa foarte jazzy, dansanta, destul de placuta la ascultare, chill in acelasi timp. De partea cealalta "Morethenyoursel", este mai alerta, mai repetitiva, care este si ea un amalgam de influente si fuziuni, dupa cum ne-a obisnuit Caia in ultimul timp. Big support !


     Looks like All Inn isn't an unlucky black series for the romanians. After Case Sensitive, Ivel Tax, Priku and Phrasis Veteris, Vlad Caia comes to expand the collection with another release signed by our representatives. Thus, five of the six editions are signed by local producers. I must admit that my favorite is "Routed", a very jazzy song, perfect for dance, very pleasant to listen, chill to the ears at the same time. On the other side "Morethenyoursel" is more alert, more repetitive, which is also an amalgam of influences and fusions, as it is familiar to Caia's sound lately. Big support !

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