vineri, 17 iunie 2011

ElectRo Exclusives - No. 003: Victor Stancov

     Editia cu numarul 3 ElectRo Exclusives ii este dedicata lui Victor Stancov, un promitator producator roman de muzica electronica. A inceput sub aripa protectoare Groove++, alaturi de respectabilii baieti de la OK Corral, iar apoi au urmat multi ani de prezente in spatele pupitrului in cluburi din tara dar si din strainatate. Asadar, va invit sa ascultati mixul realizat in exclusivitate pentru ElectroBlog Ro, un mix in care se intrepatrund foarte multe stiluri muzicale, house, deep-house, techno sau chiar electro si ceva influente disco.

     The ElectRo Exclusives edition number 3 is dedicated to Victor Stancov, a promising romanian electronic music producer. He began under the protecting wing of Groove + +, where there are the respectable OK Corral boys, and then he followed many years behind the decks in clubs from the country or abroad. So, I invite you to listen to the mix made ​​exclusively for ElectroBlog Ro, a mix that is intertwined in many musical styles, house, deep-house, techno or even electro and some disco influences.

for BIO check here

Also check: <No. 001: 360°>, <No. 002: VRT>

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