duminică, 15 mai 2011

I'm convinced, Romania will never win Eurovision

      Perfect german organization, low quality performances. Saturday May 14 2011 took place the 56th edition of Eurovision contest in Germany, perhaps the most beautifull show so far, but with very monotonous songs, sparkless, some without a specific rhythm. Maybe a fine ear, an expert, would find this a very successful edition, but those who sit in front of TVs need a total show, with songs that surprise them, thing that lacked from the artists, which bored the ordinary public. I do not say this because i am romanian, but the representatives of our country, Italy, Ireland and Moldova were among the few that have stimulated the listeners and have made themself noticed.  
     Returning to the idea from the tile, the eternal problem of Eurovision is the preferential geostrategic voting, thing noticed by the public which repeatedly responded by whistling and protests, like real footbal spectators. Thus, except for Moldova and several other countries where we have many immigrants, not even our neighbors voted for us. 
     As for the other participants: Azerbaijan deserved the first place for sure, I think Sweden will be haunting me long time from now with that childish and boring refrain, and as for Greece I was not touched by the traditional influences being is my opinion the weakest song from this edition.

M-am lamurit, Romania nu va castiga niciodata Eurovisionul

     Organizare nemteasca perfecta, prestatii slabe. Sambata 14 mai 2011 a avut loc in Germania editia 56 a concursului muzical Eurovision, un adevarat show, poate cel mai reusit de pana acum, insa cu piese foarte sterse, monotone, lipsite de sclipire, unele chiar fara un ritm anume. Poate o ureche fina, un expert, ar gasi in aceasta editie una foarte reusita, insa cei care stau in fata televizoarelor vor spectacol total, vor piese care sa-i surprinda cu ceva, lucru care a lipsit din partea artistilor, fapt care a plictisit publicul de rand. Nu o spun pentru ca sunt roman, dar piesa reprezentantei tarii noastre, cea a Italiei, Irlandei si Moldovei au fost printre putinele care au stimulat ascultatorul si s-au remarcat. 

     Revenind la ideea din titlu as aminti de vesnica problema a Eurovisionului, votul preferential geostrategic, lucru sesizat si de public, care in repetate randuri a reactionat asemeni unor spectatori de fotbal, fluierand si protestand, nu degeaba fiind prezenti pe un stadion. Astfel, in afara de Moldova si alte cateva tari in care avem multi emigranti, nu ne voteaza nici macar vecinii. 
     In ce priveste celelalte reprezentante: Azerbaijan a meritat indiscutabil primul loc, Suedia cred ca o sa ma bantuie mult timp cu acel pueril si plictisitor refren, iar in ce priveste Grecia nu am fost sensibilizat deloc de influenta traditionala fiind parerea mea cel mai slab cantec al editiei.

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