duminică, 24 aprilie 2011

Radio Guerrilla: TopShow

     M-am linistit ! Imi exprimam intr-un timp temerile, vazand schimbarea formulei si auzind ceva fragmente din ce inseamna mai nou Shukar Collective, luand in calcul si faptul ca au lansat deja doua albume, ca "ideea", respectiv "boom-ul" isi vor mai pierde din farmec si ideea de traditional tiganesc se va mai maneliza putin. Dar acestea au mai disparut putin dupa ce am ascultat aceasta piesa noua de la ei din top-ul Radio Guerrilla, una care suna foarte bine, cu un ritm specific tiganesc. Felicitari grupului si sa speram ca vor lansa albumul promis curand.
     O alta piesa la care vreau sa fac referire este "Tricoul" de la Butterflies In My Stomach. Aceasta frumoasa trupa pot sa zic fara nici o teama ca este band-ul momentului in Romania, albumul "Magic Store" fiind foarte bine primit. Ma bucura foarte mult acest lucru, deoarece este printre singurele trupe nu-jazz de la noi, din multitudinea de grupuri foarte valoroase, care reusesc sa castige atata admiratie. Sa speram ca vor deschide niste drumuri si vor fi in continuare apreciati, deoarece merita.
     Puteti asculta un fragment din noua piesa Shukar Collective si vizualiza intregul top Guerrilla aici. Mai jos, din nou pe ElectroBlog Ro, videoclipul "fluturilor".

      Relief ! I expressed a fear in a while, seeing the formula changing and hearing some fragments of Shukar Collective new tracks, taking into account the fact that they have already released two albums, and the "idea" and the "boom" will lose their the traditional gypsy charm and will be "manele"-like music. But they have disappeared shortly after I heard this song from the Guerrilla Radio chart, that sounds very good, with a specific gypsy rhythm. Congratulations and i hope the group will launch the promised album soon.
      Another song on which I want to refer is "Tricoul" from Butterflies In My Stomach. This beautiful band I can say without any fear that is the best in this moment from Romania, the album "Magic Store" being very well received by public. I enjoy it very much because it is among the few jazz bands that manage to win people's admiration, from the numerous valuable groups . Let's hope that they will open some roads and will still be appreciated as they worth it.
      You can listen to a snippet of the new Shukar Collective track and view the entire Guerrilla chart here. Below, again the video "butterfly's" video on ElectroBlog Ro.

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